Arrays and Model Systems Project Details
Natural biomaterials have evolved from a multifactorial and combinatorial process involving a range of distinct molecular components, leading to complex structure and function that is often more than the sum of the individual parts. We aim to dissect these structure-activity relations by designing high throughput platforms and high content imaging approaches for screening the individual versus combined effects of multivariate biological cues.
- Representative publications
- Douglas Zhang, Junmin Lee, Michael B. Sun, Yi Pei, James Chu, Martha U. Gillette, Timothy M. Fan, and Kristopher A. Kilian, Combinatorial discovery of defined substrates that promote a stem cell state in malignant melanoma, ACS Central Science, 2017, 3 (5), 381-393
- Junmin Lee, Amr A. Abdeen, Kathryn L. Wycislo, Timothy M. Fan, and Kristopher A. Kilian, Interfacial geometry dictates cancer cell tumorigenicity, Nature Materials, 2016, 15, 856-862
- Joshua M. Grolman, Douglas Zhang, Andrew M. Smith, Jeffrey S. Moore, and Kristopher A. Kilian, Rapid 3D extrusion of synthetic tumor microenvironments, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27 (37), 5512-5517