
Arrays and Model Systems

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Arrays and Model Systems Project Details

Natural biomaterials have evolved from a multifactorial and combinatorial process involving a range of distinct molecular components, leading to complex structure and function that is often more than the sum of the individual parts. We aim to dissect these structure-activity relations by designing high throughput platforms and high content imaging approaches for screening the individual versus combined effects of multivariate biological cues.

Representative publications
Douglas Zhang, Junmin Lee, Michael B. Sun, Yi Pei, James Chu, Martha U. Gillette, Timothy M. Fan, and Kristopher A. Kilian, Combinatorial discovery of defined substrates that promote a stem cell state in malignant melanoma, ACS Central Science, 2017, 3 (5), 381-393
Junmin Lee, Amr A. Abdeen, Kathryn L. Wycislo, Timothy M. Fan, and Kristopher A. Kilian, Interfacial geometry dictates cancer cell tumorigenicity, Nature Materials, 2016, 15, 856-862
Joshua M. Grolman, Douglas Zhang, Andrew M. Smith, Jeffrey S. Moore, and Kristopher A. Kilian, Rapid 3D extrusion of synthetic tumor microenvironments, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27 (37), 5512-5517