Dr. Zihao (Alvin) Li


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  1. Zihao (Alvin) Li obtained his B Med Chem (Hons) from the University of New South Wales (2017) and continued for a PhD study (2018 - 2021) under the supervision of Dr. Robert Chapman and Prof. Martina Stenzel. In his PhD, Alvin developed a combinatorial method to design multivalent polymer-peptide conjugates to mimic therapeutic proteins. Alvin joined the Kilian lab in 2022 and his current research focuses on integrating mechanochemistry with dynamic hydrogels for biomedical applications.
  2. contact: zihao.li@unsw.edu.au
    • - Force-mediated dynamic chemistry in hydrogels
  1. Li, Z., Kosuri, S., Foster, H., Cohen, J., Jumeaux, C., Stevens, M., Chapman, R., Gormley, A. (2019). A dual wavelength polymerization and bioconjugation strategy for high throughput synthesis of multivalent ligands. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141(50), 19823-19830.
  2. Li, Z., Ganda, S., Melodia, D., Boyer, C., & Chapman, R. (2020). Well-Defined Polymers for Nonchemistry Laboratories using Oxygen Tolerant Controlled Radical Polymerization. J. Chem. Educ., 97(2), 549-556